Friday, December 28, 2007

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Pictures and Articles

Well it's been a while since we posted a bunch of pictures on our Shutterfly account, but we finished the project in doing so this week. If you click on the link for "Our Pictures in Israel" you'll be directed to our Shutterfly account and find the following new picture albums with descriptions:

JUC Fall Semester 2007
Ben’s Hiking Trip up North
Christmas Eve in Bethlehem
A Jerusalem Christmas

It's a lot of new pictures for one sitting. Maybe view one new album for each day of the workweek.

Also, a while ago I added links to a couple of great articles but didn't mention anything about them. Maybe these topics are of interest to you...

Jerusalem Divided – TIME Magazine article written from one living in Abu Tor (our neighborhood) as he describes what life is like for Arabs and Jews living in Jerusalem.

Bethlehem 2007 A.D. – Excellent National Geographic article with great information on some of the current political situation “surrounding” Bethlehem.

Until next time...

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas in Bethlehem

“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” –Luke 2:11

On the Monday morning of Christmas Eve, life here in Jerusalem started quite normal. Stacie and I walked to our Hebrew class, but then we skipped the second half of class, “ran” some errands around the New City, and back to our place for lunch.

About 2pm, six other students from JUC met at our house and we walked to Bethlehem. Yup, we WALKED to Bethlehem. I mean it’s not really that far considering we live in S. Jerusalem and not Nazareth...and none of us were 9 months pregnant. The walk there with friends was pretty fun. I mean, I know it was nothing like the journey made by Mary and Joseph…we walked on a sidewalk along a main road with cars whizzing by us. However, as we walked I couldn’t avoid seeing the massive “Herodian” in the skyline. The Herodian was one of Herod’s palace-fortresses he had built on top of a man-made mountain just to the SE of Bethlehem proper. I have been researching the archeology of a number of different biblical sites over the past couple weeks for this big project I’m working on, and the night before our journey to Bethlehem, I happened to be reading and researching about this massive palace-fortress that stood over Bethlehem. Herod was crazy. But what struck me the most was trying to picture Mary and Joseph on this journey...seeing the enormous Herodian in the background, shining in all its glory, as they approached Joseph’s hometown, the place where they knew the King, and Our Savior, was to be born. Was it during the day or under the moonlight when they finally arrived? And was it really in late December? (Probably not, most likely Sept/Oct but I won’t go into reasons why at this time).

Well we arrived to the welcoming 25-foot cement wall checkpoint of Bethlehem proper after about an hour on our feet. Waited in line. Showed the favored American Passport. No questions, issues or problems. Then we walked about another hour in Bethlehem before arriving at Manger Square/Church of the Nativity, where the traditional site of the Birth or our Lord took place some 2,000 years ago. Most of the main festivities were to take place later at night, including the annual midnight mass service in the church, but we didn’t stick around for that. There were crowds of people arriving when we were there and a group of Christians were gathered together singing some Christmas songs in the courtyard. Christmas music in English and Arabic played through the streets, lights and decorations were everywhere (especially compared to Jerusalem) as well as numerous armed PA soldiers keeping things well under control. We didn’t stay in Manger Square too long, we stopped at a tiny restaurant where we squeezed all 8 of us into the “Peace Restaurant,” ate some 5 shekel Falafel, and drank some Arab tea with sage (not a person) while talking with the two overly kind Muslim men working the restaurant. It was “peaceful.”

Afterwards we stopped on a hillside overlooking Bethlehem and we read the birth story of Jesus in Matthew 2 and Luke 2. I love reading the stories on the site where they took place. Can’t really explain it unless you’ve experienced it. It changes something inside me. Extra special on Christmas Eve too I guess. The story won’t be read the same next year at this time.

Christmas day was spent exchanging some gifts with Stacie and Karin (JUC student and current houseguest) in the morning, enjoying a huge Turkey feast for lunch at the neighbors with about 15 JUC students and then they all came to our place at night to enjoy some desserts as well as some good laughs with a white elephant gift exchange.

It was a different Christmas this year not being in MI, or being around family, not seeing advertisements for things I need to buy, not seeing Santa at the mall, snow or Christmas lights in the neighborhood. But it was a good 1st Christmas with my wife, and we were in Bethlehem, also unique. But most of all, this Christmas, I am thankful for Jesus.

He is Christ the Lord.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Heaven and Earth.

I acknowledge that I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

However, the more days that pass me by I realize more and more that we were not created for things of this world. Our relationships, commitments, experiences, etc. are all important aspects to life here on earth. If you are reading this…you have been created with great purpose. Purpose today, here, now, on earth. Purpose to bring praise and glory to God. Here. But ultimately there is a much greater purpose. A heavenly purpose.

For whatever reason, God chose to create Samara for heavenly purposes only. I think that’s pretty cool. Think about that thought for a minute. God chose to create Samara for heavenly purposes only! What an honor, joy and privilege.

Friday was a day to honor and remember Samara. And thanks to the advancements of modern technology and a “we won’t give up yet” attitude through the final minute from mom, dad and others, Stacie and I were able to watch the memorial service live (via skype and webcam). How great it was for Stacie and I to feel like we were there, to have our hearts hurt with them. Of course we wished we could have really been there in person, but this was the best possible supplement.

Even though we were unable to be in Grand Rapids at this time, Stacie and I did however eat lunch in one of our favorite Restaurant/Coffee Shops in the Old City the other day in Samara’s honor. We thought it seemed appropriate.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sitting "7"

About five weeks ago I was walking through a neighborhood just south of Jerusalem and noticed a big tent out in someone’s yard (apt complex) and a group of people sitting on a few cushions on the ground of their porch. At first I didn’t know what this was, the tent wasn’t extremely nice, in fact it looked like pieces of tarp hung to make a tent, so they weren’t really celebrating some big special event.

They were “sitting shiv’ah.”

The Hebrew term “shiv’ah” is simply “seven,” and the phrase, “sitting shiv’ah,” refers to the Jewish custom of sitting in mourning for seven days following the death of a deceased parent, spouse, sibling or child. During this time, the primary mourners do not leave the ‘shiv’ah house’ except on Shabbat and do not engage in normal work or business or even study Torah. Things like haircuts, bathing, shaving and changing of clothes are also prohibited in its practice today. Throughout the week of mourning, the mourners sit on low stools, benches, or on the floor. They also keep a memorial light burning. Friends and other relatives visit them to comfort and pray with them. When visiting the shiv’ah house, the mourners do not serve the guests, and in many communities people provide meals for those sitting shiv’ah. When visiting those sitting shiv’ah, the primary mourners speak first, if they don't speak, you should stay silent.

But you sit. There. With them.

In the New Testament, one of Jesus’ closest friends Lazarus dies, and “Many of the Judeans had come…to comfort them at the loss of their brother…Mary continued sitting (shiv’ah) in the house” (John 11:19-20). Both sisters seem to observe the practice.

The traditional origin of shiv’ah has been traced to seven days of deep mourning observed for the Patriarch Jacob (Gen 50:10). I also recently read through the book of Job and this Jewish custom is the context for most of those 42 chapters as well. Job endures great loss in the first couple chapters and then, Job’s three friends, Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar decided to stop what they were doing, travel to his house, in order to sit and sympathize with him.

“When they saw him from a distance…they began to weep aloud…Then they sat on the ground with him for seven days and seven nights. No one said a word to him, because they saw how great his suffering was”
(Job 2:12-13).

Now Job’s friends were not particularly exemplar friends or guests, as much of their dialogue was critical towards Job and questioning his integrity. But the idea of this Jewish custom is beautiful isn’t it?

Stop. Sit. Sympathize. Shiv’ah.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Samara Joy

Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

My sister Kim and her husband Chad lost their baby this week. They were due to have their 5th child (2nd daughter) in less than two weeks, but apparently God had other plans. This awful news was discovered on Tuesday and after a very, very long 24 hours or so, Kim delivered on Wednesday, December 5, 2007.

Late Wednesday night (Jerusalem time) we talked with Kim on the phone from the hospital shortly after the baby was born. Samara Joy Zwyghuizen was born around 4pm EST Wednesday. She was 6 lbs 14 ounces, with lots of black, curly hair. Kim said she was beautiful, and looked just like their other daughter Mikayla did when she was born. My Mom and Dad went to the hospital, as did my brother Corey and his wife Sara. Meanwhile, Chad left the hospital to go tell his four other kids the heart wrenching news. Dallas, Justin, Mikayla, and Sawyer had been anxiously waiting for their new baby sister all day. They knew mom was in the hospital having the baby, but the kids didn't know what we already baby sister wasn't coming home. They all went to hospital together to see her and took turns holding her. Stacie and I desperately wished we could be there.

The cause of death was the umbilical cord wrapped around her in three places. Kim remembered the baby moving around on Sunday, it all happened so fast. And how is it that the very thing God created to sustain a baby’s life, the umbilical cord, brought death?

I have wrestled with things like this all week. It just doesn’t make sense…to me. To us. This baby will never learn to crawl, or walk, read or write. She won’t sing in a middle school choir, nor know the joy of being asked to dance with a boy. But we are confident of this… she joined a choir that is better than any middle school choir in the world; and there is no doubt that Samara is better dancer than I. Jesus has already given her some good lessons.

So while the King of the Universe has called this little child to Himself, He also knows it’s not easy for those of us who feel the heart wrenching pain of this loss. Jesus said,

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Please pray for our family as we keep trying to “come to Jesus” during such a time as this.

God is good. Chad and Kim picked the baby’s name shortly after they became pregnant.

The name Samara means "under God's rule."

We know He sits on the throne, and what He does is good.
We know she is with Him.