A day often spent overeating turkey and a smorgasbord of deserts, watching the Lions game, and spending time with family. This year things are different for us. Our school, JUC, will be hosting a big Thanksgiving dinner so we can still gorge ourselves with turkey and Stacie is currently making one of the deserts for the feast, but it is quite difficult to find a place to watch American Football around here. Go Lions anyway, I guess. Family? We love family, but they are not here today either. However, life is good and I’m thankful to God for many, many things. Here’s a short list (in no particular order) of things I’m thankful for today.
I am thankful for eyes to see the colors in the rainbow from our rooftop this morning.
I am thankful for taste buds, the Thanksgiving feast tomorrow will be fantastic.
I am thankful for legs to walk, even though it was cold and raining this morning.
I am thankful for a house, a bed, and a hot shower with a push of a button.
I am thankful for Stacie. She loves me well.
I am thankful for family; it is always fun talking with and seeing you all (via webcam for now).
I am thankful for an abundance of friends back home who have journeyed with me and taught me so much along the way.
I am thankful for leaders in the Church and other Christian ministries. Your work is not in vain.
I am thankful for you, the person reading this, chances are God has used you somewhere along in my journey through life.
I am thankful for the people who continue to pray for us, encourage us, financially support us and believe in who we are and what we are doing.
I am thankful for books to read, papers to write, and the ability to think, study and memorize.
I am thankful to be living in Jerusalem, “the city of the Great King” (Matt 5:35).
I am thankful for this King. The One who died here, in this city, two thousand years ago. For me. For you. For friends. For enemies. For the world.
Indeed, we should be thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving.
We are Thankful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To many to list
Glad you are also having a Thanksgiving feast Too
Enjoy your day
To bad you won't be in town tomorrrow for the big shopping day
Your sister is going to miss you!
We are thankful for you and that we can live vicariously through your experiences there! =)
Blessings on you both!
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