Wednesday, January 23, 2008


We have had many people stay overnight in our apt since moving in late August, but not until recently did we have our first official visitors from the States. Lauren and Joy joined us for about 10 days and we toured most of the country with them (picture album from these days are posted in “our pictures”). Just a couple days after dropping them off at the airport, we were back picking up our next set of visitors…The Swan family! We are currently busy again touring around much of the country with them. Many of the things I write about and the pictures we take may seem to have little to do with our academic coursework. Is life over here just a series of “Boondoggles?”

Boon*dog*gle: work or activity that is wasteful or pointless but gives the appearance of having value.

Well for those of you who might be silently wondering (or verbally…Mark) yes we do academic coursework as well. In fact, just recently Stacie and I FINALLY finished our huge Historical Geography Seminar paper. Basic premise of this project was to design a two-week study tour – studying the various geographical regions of the land, (climate, geology, routes, etc.) as well as the specific history, archeology, and stories found in the Biblical Text of each site to be visited on this hypothetical study tour (hopefully to be used someday).

Stacie and I have each completed our own projects and combined total was roughly 380 pages! We spent many many hours of study and research and even chopped down a couple olive trees in order to turn it in, but they are done and we feel thankful to have that one off our plate. Now on our current boondoggle (leading the Swan family around the country) we are already putting these projects to some use.


Sarah said...

I'm proud of this fabulous guys are beyond awesome!..did I mention I super miss you two!!!!!

Shema ani said...

I know that God has a purpose and plan with these long papers and all the experiences you have had there. He is so going to use the time you have spent in Israel to further fulfill his purpose for both of your lives.
I hope you guys get the opportunity to lead a study tour and I hope very much that I am a part of that tour when it does happen.
thats what I think.

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys! Way to go! One more hurdle crossed. Hope your next semester goes smoothly. Once you're done you'll miss Israel a lot though, so enjoy it as much as you can! Fron Murray and Jen H.